Gregorian | 2024-06-04 |
Khayyamian | 976/03/15 |
Shamsi | 1403/03/15 |
Ideas—by definition—are always fragile. If they
Talking about Steve Jobs This sounds really simplistic, but it still shocks me how few people actually practice this—and it's a struggle to practice—but is this issue of focus.
Steve was the most remarkably focused person I've ever met in my life.
You can achieve so much when you are truly focused.
And one of the things that Steve would say is: “How many things have you said no to?” And I would have these sacrificial things—because I wanted to be very honest about it, and so I say: “Oh, I said no to this, and no to that...” But he knew that I wasn't vaguely interested in doing those things anyway. So there was no real sacrifice.
What Focus means... is saying NO to something that—with every bone in your body—you think is a phenomenal idea. And you wake up thinking about it… but you say NO to it because you're focusing on something else.