Zea Pou
Gregorian 2024-06-15
Khayyamian 976/03/26
Shamsi 1403/03/26
Quotes & Excerpts

Doug Engelbart died today. His work has always been very difficult for writers to interpret and explain.

Technology writers, in particular, tend to miss the point miserably, because they see everything as a technology problem. Engelbart devoted his life to a human problem, with technology falling out as part of a solution. When I read tech writers' interviews with Engelbart, I imagine these writers interviewing George Orwell, asking in-depth probing questions about his typewriter.


Talking about the word "art" If we go back to Latin roots, we find ars, artis meaning "skill." It is perhaps significant that the corresponding Greek word was , the τέχνη, root of both "technology" and "technique."

In medieval times, the first universities were established to teach the seven so-called "liberal arts," namely grammar, rhetoric, logic, arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy.

Curious thing I've noticed about aesthetic satisfaction is that our pleasure is significantly enhanced when we, accomplish something with limited tools.

For example, the program of which I personally am most pleased and proud is a compiler I once wrote for a primitive minicomputer which had only 4096 words of memory, 16 bits per word. It makes a person feel like a real virtuoso to achieve something under such severe restrictions.

Translated from Persian Shared experience of tragedy makes the hearts closer. That's what connects us---you and me---you see?

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