In my experience most of the community in Elm is made up of people who don't
really know what type classes can give you, for example, but they'll happily
argue that it's too advanced or not needed. Most of that comes from parroting
the popular in-community opinion instead of informing themselves.
This kind of inbred opinion is not unique to Elm: you can find it in Elixir,
Clojure and pretty much every other community that relies too much on the
benevolent dictator or the prominent founder/inventor paradigm.
[...] I also find it interesting that a lot of these languages that rely on this
paradigm have leaders that constantly complain that it's hard to run this kind
of community. The reason it's so hard is because they've made themselves a
benevolent dictator and they keep that status quo because presumably they like
that they can sort of control opinion in the community that way as well.