Zea Pou
Gregorian 2024-08-17
Khayyamian 976/05/27
Shamsi 1403/05/27
Quotes & Excerpts

Paraphrasing Calvin Coolidge: America is not a country, America is a business.


Consider GNU Objective C. NeXT initially wanted to make this front end proprietary; they proposed to release it as .o files, and let users link them with the rest of GCC, thinking this might be a way around the GPL's requirements. But our lawyer said that this would not evade the requirements, that it was not allowed. And so they made the Objective C front end free software.


"Doxing" is a neologism. It originates from a spelling alteration of the abbreviation "docs", for "documents", and refers to "compiling and releasing a dossier of personal information on someone". Essentially, doxing is revealing and publicizing the records of an individual, which were previously private or difficult to obtain.

The term dox derives from the slang "dropping dox", which, according to a contributor to Wired, Mat Honan, was "an old-school revenge tactic that emerged from hacker culture in 1990s".

↖︎ Wikipedia

Something to keep in mind when using the Tor Browser is that you shouldn’t modify anything. Leave it as is; don’t install plugins or tweak it. The Tor Browser is meant to have similar fingerprints to other Tor Browsers, and even the smallest changes might make you the most unique person on the Tor network.


Think of privacy as insurance. You might trust your government today, you might trust your messenger with your messages, you might trust Google with your whole life, but remember, Satan was once an angel too.


Anonymity is when people see what you do, what you want them to see, but they can't know who is actually behind those actions. It is similar to privacy, but in privacy, they know who you are, but they don’t know what you’re doing.

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