Zea Pou
Gregorian 2024-09-22
Khayyamian 976/07/01
Shamsi 1403/07/01
Quotes & Excerpts

As shared by Masoud The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.

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“Life is daily; today is all we have” — when I truly think about the implications of that insight, I get scared. I suppose that’s precisely the reason why an entire industry has been built around habit-building. Building good habits gives us the impression that life is not, in fact, messy, that we don’t need to die soon, and that we are perfectly in control and on top of things. Habits promise control, stability, consistency.

Alas, this is an illusion.

The more I’ve thought about it, the more I realized that habits are nothing but death deniers, faint quests for immortalization. Ultimately, life is daily, and how we spend our days is how we spend our lives.


Building good habits is kind of like boiling a frog alive. Except you’re the frog. At first, the water feels nice and comfy. It’s your natural habitat. But then, the circumstances keep changing without you noticing, and suddenly you’re stuck in a situation you may not want to be in. In fact, I found that the more I’m immersed in a habit and the better it sounds on paper, the less likely I notice the rising heat.


The problem with good habits, in other words, is that they sacrifice intentionality for efficiency.


I realized that my texting aversion wasn’t a problem to be solved; it was a worry to be examined.

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