Zea Pou
Gregorian 2024-11-06
Khayyamian 976/08/16
Shamsi 1403/08/16

I see the city work­ers sleep­ing in the streets every now and then. My life is way bet­ter but then, I’m used to it. Sometimes I’m not thank­ful enough. I hope I can be bet­ter.

I won­der if these logs will be tele­graphic con­text free, or Neil Postmanish contextual?

I went to sleep very late and woke up very late. Now I’m stressed about work.

Yesterday I told my fa­ther about shad­ing the sculp­tures on the web. He was de­lighted but also hes­i­tant. He did not want them to look com­puter gen­er­ated. Making this even harder than I thought.

If you want to have great things, you should buy things that a pro­fes­sional will buy, since they op­ti­mize for the max pro­duc­tiv­ity at the min price point

The new back­ground for the archive is ab­solutely amaz­ing, but sa­fari ren­ders it in the worst pos­si­ble way. No idea what I have to do next.

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