Zea Pou
Gregorian 2024-11-07
Khayyamian 976/08/17
Shamsi 1403/08/17

What if we have this asym­met­ri­cal clock with vari­able clock hands? What if the clock be like an eclipse or a sparkle? I re­ally have to in­ves­ti­gate this

I want every inch of the archive to feel like a rev­o­lu­tion of its own. And I think I’m achiev­ing it.

I love this web­site way more than its con­tent so that’s ac­tu­ally the medium is the mes­sage!”

For the man­i­fest: Efficiencies is for the cor­po­rate and the cap­i­tal­ists ob­sessed with more profit. Richness, de­tail, care, and beauty be­longs to in­di­vid­u­als and those who value life and one’s dig­nity.

Iran’s pro­pa­ganda is so pow­er­ful that when I see this movie por­tray­ing a woman with­out hi­jab I’m stunned and I can’t rec­og­nize it. It does­n’t feel real.

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