Zea Pou
Gregorian 2024-11-17
Khayyamian 976/08/27
Shamsi 1403/08/27

I just re­al­ized I made the nav­i­ga­tion out of our Lava lamp.

Things this house has seen…

This archive looks noth­ing like an archive. If you take it as an archive, it will dis­ap­point you. Yet it is a fully func­tion­ing archive, just the de­sign is so di­ver­gent from the form that even af­ter mak­ing it and us­ing it for all these days, my mind can­not di­gest it. It feels alien, and I can’t even com­pre­hend it.

Something I am re­al­iz­ing is that this dis­tinctly dif­fer­ent mind­set of the Forestal era and the Ive era is per­haps in that the for­mer wishes to shape tools; the soft­ware is a tool. The lat­ter em­pha­sizes dis­play. The soft­ware is a frame for con­tent. I look for the mid­dle, I guess.

I have to deeply study the pro­ject Xanadu

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The computer world is not just technicality and razzle-dazzle. It is a continual war over software politics and paradigms.

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