Gregorian | 2024-11-28 |
Khayyamian | 976/09/08 |
Shamsi | 1403/09/08 |
Adding videos to the system broke it. Connecting the design is hard. Connecting data structures is harder. How should I make it good? Should I handle rewatches? Should they have their own pages? Is adding them going to make it difficult to maintain the system?
I think I figured out the design of videos, but there is way more I have to do…
This is basically meta-prolificity: My rules on all details, gathering all in one place, and having all the control of the world.
The more I contemplate prolificity, the more my life gets meaning. Such a fascinating observation, Maestro Hans.
The Venetians of old time who made as great a mystery of love as of state affairs, have been replaced by the modern Venetians, whose most prominent characteristic is to make a mystery of nothing.
American Anthropologist Ruth Benedict published an at the time quite influential book titled the Chris Anthem and the sword the main point of the book was to outline what Benedict saw as fundamental differences between shame-based Japanese culture and guilt-based US American culture in the wake of Benedict's book the distinction between shame and guilt has been used to propose culturalist differences between the west and the East between white people and orientals between us and Them shame was understood as the feeling of being embarrassed in public it's relational communal it means a threat to one's reputation one's social standing it means losing face and indeed as fi has been researching it seems that this very expression made its way into English and many other languages from the East namely from the Chinese expression diolan guilt different from shame is inherently personal individual or private to feel guilty one doesn't have to be losing the respect of others one can feel guilty completely by oneself in connection with Christian religion guilt was grounded in sin the violation of a Divine command of a universal rule of a moral law it's the bad conscience of not doing thinking or feeling what is right right in the sense of right as such rather than simply right in the sense of what happens to be considered correct in one Society
The medium is the message. So the medium is somehow what structures all the messages in somehow a conformist manner that are communicated through it. Conformity is imposed through a shared medium.
Max Horkheimer & Theodor W. Adorno in their dialectics of enlightenment [...] show how the supposedly most individualist country in the world, the united states in the 1950s, is at the same time also highly non-individualistic. American culture is mass culture, Hollywood, pop music, architecture, life in cars, right?
There's a cookie cutter uniformity to daily life and in the economy we have. Brands which make everything the same. So, the most individualist country is at the same time the most conformist country, We're the most conformist culture. So this shows like an in-built paradox of authenticity and individualism.
We learn to be authentic individuals by copying other authentic individuals.
Cringe is an embarrassment by proxy the embarrassing feeling that someone else has unintentionally and unknowingly embarrassed themselves
Criticisms of social media tend to disregard its non- or trans-authentic orientation and inappropriately set up a “pure” authenticity standard as the only correct option. Ironically, since these criticisms themselves are produced under conditions of profilicity, they do not (and cannot) meet their own authenticity ideal. Their authenticity can be deconstructed and revealed to be staged and inauthentic. The very calls to preserve our supposed authenticity only show that the age of authenticity has lost its credibility.
I travel to make my trips part of my profile, to actualize the “profilic” potential of tourism. It is a demonstration to myself and to others that I, too, am a traveler. Like others, I too travel the world. The taste to pick a fashionable destination and the capac- ity to present the particular appeal of this destination to others further contribute to and raise the prestige of my profile.