Zea Pou
Gregorian 2024-12-16
Khayyamian 976/09/26
Shamsi 1403/09/26

Peter Parker’s face was so harshly dam­aged to­day. I took her to the vet, and it was hor­ri­ble. She was so shocked and feared that I had hardly ever seen her in my life. My sweet child was trau­ma­tized for the rest of her life, and I was the sad­dest per­son in the whole world.

I felt so lonely to­day. The dra­mas with my cats have be­come so much that no one any longer cares to hear them. It ir­ri­tates the hell out of every­one to lis­ten to my sto­ries. I have be­come a bur­den of some sort to them.

I hate life with all of my soul most days. Why a sweet child like her has to face such bad things? Why?

Literacy re­ally is to be de­tached and away from re­al­ity. So badly.

When you lose your faith in the cur­rent, you re­treat to the past. Everything about this archive is a tes­ta­ment to that.

Day's Context