Zea Pou
Gregorian 2024-12-27
Khayyamian 976/10/07
Shamsi 1403/10/07
Authenticity as Learned Through The Lens Of Previous Media — Page 1/2 — This is probably a breakthrough of mine that can be said as: "We learn our world though its exposition in a media, and therefore; once a higher resolution media comes that shows us not the carefully curated exposition, but rather more "realities" of that world, we think the world has become a worse place as a result"
Authenticity as Learned Through The Lens Of Previous Media — Page 2/2
Thinking about the creation of a "Chronological Language" — Page 1/3 — My contemplations around an idea that intrigued me while I was reading Chomsky. That was, what if we create a language with the intention to be chronological. Math for example is not, it is many dimensional in its notation, but what about the Polish-notation? it is linear by essence. What if we created a new scientific language that just was like a Polish notation?
Thinking about the creation of a "Chronological Language" — Page 2/3
Thinking about the creation of a "Chronological Language" — Page 3/3
Quotes & Excerpts

suicide, as a radical form of “passive aggression,” becomes an option. By killing oneself, the subject who is denied personhood within the family brings severe disrepute to that family and thereby shames and socially punishes it. If someone feels that they have “lost face”—that is, their identity—at the hands of their family, they can in turn make the whole family lose face by committing suicide. The family is publicly exposed as dysfunctional and violating proper role enactment. The act of suicide serves as an act of revenge for the injustice received—the denial of role identity—and is intended to bring the perceived perpetrators to justice by harming their reputation and status within the local community.

Day's Context