Zea Pou
Gregorian 2025-01-13
Khayyamian 976/10/24
Shamsi 1403/10/24

We value our friends in the mo­ment we brag about know­ing them to oth­ers. When their awe­some­ness di­rectly lifts us up. This is per­haps rude and bad to say, but think about it: if you wish to have in­flu­ence on some­one, in­flu­ence their cir­cles.

Quotes & Excerpts

Bush got his take-charge attitude, he said, from the line of sea captains in his family. "They have a way of running things without any doubt," he said. "That left me with some inclination to run a show once I was in it."

↖︎ Vannevar Bush

Take the meat industry for example: the production of meat, is consistently concealed, sanitized, even glamorized through a mishmash of branding, sanitized packaging, and advertising. The presentation of the neatly packaged commodity on the shelf seems to appear by magic, thus obscuring the horrendous working conditions that factory farmers face every single day. This sanitation process also masks the cruel and torturous industry of inhumane animal slaughter, and provides people a guilt-free way to consume animal products without ever having to get their hands dirty, thus detaching the whole process from their conscious reality.

According to Karl Marx commodity fetishism is the process of ascribing mysterious or magical characteristics to an object and in doing so the labor that went into creating the object is covered up

I just can't imagine why people stuck creating 2d paper like ways of displaying information. They got so proud in this some place in the early 80s or something, or 70s, where you could do bit map and UI, so then you could have on there what you're going to see when you print it out, and I'd say "okay, but actually printing it out's the last thing you want to do".

Day's Context