Gregorian | 2025-01-26 |
Khayyamian | 976/11/07 |
Shamsi | 1403/11/07 |
Going to start “Ludic Loom Labs” or some better name if it comes!
People's entire lives become a spiritual quest to find a reason to wake up the next day and help keep the market economy going. You don't participate you starve to death. It's very simple. [...] but don't worry, all this is good for you. Because hey what? You don't like something about your life? You don't like where you live? You have no friends? No one wants to date you? You never get to go anywhere?
Well what you got to do is participate in the system more. Work harder, work 16 hours a day if you have to, and eventually you can buy better stuff, live better places, and people will magically start to want to hang out with you as your social appearance becomes that of someone more valuable.
As Slavoj Žižek says, [...] believing in Supernatural explanations for Commodities is not the same as a belief in God. The commodity is far more insidious to us. The commodity is so normalized, it's such a simple straightforward thing in our day-to-day lives, that Žižek says even when you show someone the religious thought that they're participating in, and they fully realize that it's religious, and irrational, they still have to continue existing, perceiving the world through some ideological lens. Even people that totally reject the modern conditions of production, be it through the unconscious, be it through metaphysical presuppositions, people still continue to live their lives seeing the commodities themselves as having special qualities