Gregorian | 2025-01-28 |
Khayyamian | 976/11/09 |
Shamsi | 1403/11/09 |
Art is considered a smart commodity to buy in times of economic crisis as in general it holds its value over time and in some cases increases its value." So not only is it a good investment, but you can also move them around tax-free cuz no one's looking: "The goods in freeports or under customs warehousing procedures are technically "in transit" even though in most freeports of this kind there are no time limits. This system allows the stored goods to gain value and it allows for tax-free sales. Goods can enter a freeport, stay there indefinitely, and be traded an unlimited number of times without ever having been taxed. Goods entering freeports are not subject to customs duties. Goods sold in the free ports are not subject to value added sales tax. No withholding tax is collected on capital gains"