Gregorian | 2025-02-04 |
Khayyamian | 976/11/16 |
Shamsi | 1403/11/16 |
A poster of a video grid is a thing-in-the-world. It is either here or there, you can hold it and walk around it and point to it with people and discuss it with people and know that it's there. I want to use the projector-camera-stuff to bring just a little bit of magic into the poster, to bring it (to the extent we can) into the dynamic medium. But not to rob it of its physical identity! To me, it feels totally totally different than displaying a video grid on a screen or blank poster or wall, which can then poof away and be replaced with something else. The "displayed" grid is virtual, it doesn't exist, you can't think about it spatially or locate it in your mental map (maybe you can while it is being displayed, but then poof). The poster grid exists!, undeniably and irrevocably.
And then, outward, toward constructing a workspace around yourself, a "kitchen", with video grids or whatever meaningful objects whose existence you can locate and trust. Where every clump of atoms around you is an individual, something meaningful and relevant to what you're working on. Where it truly matters that you are in this location, because what you're working on and what you need to work on it is here and can't be there -- that's what makes here meaningful, having a reason to be here and not there.