Gregorian | 2025-02-11 |
Khayyamian | 976/11/23 |
Shamsi | 1403/11/23 |
Smart people talk slow.

Three great discoveries mark the last twenty five years of our century: the unleashing of atomic energy, the conquest of space, and the birth of cybernetics. However, unlike the two former events which were front page news from the onset, the advent of computers and cybernetics hardly attracted anybody's attention.
How can you maximize "a benefit" your career will have to mankind? [...] some of the really big challenges mankind has—that if you can really help that you've really contributed and this—got me into starting looking the library and things about big tough complex goals and such, you know, like a the the malaria problems in some tropical areas where you've got whole places where everybody's so beat down by having malaria all the time, Oh you could drain the swamps, oh yes, but how do you get the money to do that?, how do you coordinate it well?, and if you drain the swamps I realized, one day they'll stop being sick all the time, well the population will probably grow master, and exceed the sustenance capability of the land, and you know, it's just not simple.
And that just can't be done in one Saturday. all these problems are very big, oh and they have to be dealt with collectively, and we're not getting smarter collectively enough to handle these big things.
We had to make our own computer display [...] so we just had to build it from scratch, and the way it was is, it would move to move the cursor, move move the beam, and write the characters. It wasn't nearly enough storage capacity to have pixel.