Gregorian | 2025-02-20 |
Khayyamian | 976/12/02 |
Shamsi | 1403/12/02 |
Updating the Archive has become hard for me. I’m afraid the project is about to prove itself as bad.
I’m so overwhelmed by the amount of things that I wish to do. There are so many things and I cannot handle myself with the possibilities.
I basically just saw a cat walk into the kitten and understood it was a hallucination.
Why should the archive be “asset” based? I have to create a dynamic medium with hyper documents. Connected stuff.
I'm wearing a very hot overcoat, inside of it I feel so warm and safe. I was thinking of taking it off that I noticed, I won't feel as safe, and therefore as confident. I realized in movies, many of the confident people wear tuxedos, or warriors wearing armory.
Does it actually have a difference? If it has then just think about how simple a change like this that I might have never noticed could have changed me and shape me. While this particular example might not be true, I have seen this here and there. It reminds me of Alan Kay's "Point of View Is Worth 80 IQ Points" thing. Somethings can drastically have an influence, and while having the tools made by Newton definitely is noticeable, maybe there are very shallow things we can't see but have a difference.