Zea Pou
Gregorian 2025-02-26
Khayyamian 976/12/08
Shamsi 1403/12/08
Quotes & Excerpts

In a place where there's this constant regime change and everything is uncertain, I gravitated more towards the truth in science, something that felt steady and you get to the bottom of.

But I think one thing that people misunderstand about communist regimes is that, when everything is equal there is really fierce competition for knowledge, and education is everything.

I think one of the things that I really appreciate about the modern world that we live in right now, is that you have things like YouTube, where if you are trying to understand a thing, there are so many people trying to explain that thing in so many different ways that if you are determined enough, you can find someone explaining the thing in exactly the right way for your particular brain to understand it quickly.

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