Zea Pou
Gregorian 2025-03-02
Khayyamian 976/12/12
Shamsi 1403/12/12

I had a dream of an in­dus­trial dystopia where a farm was man­aged by drones. Water tanks were drones, the caws where im­pris­oned to the drones, it was a night­mare.

Zea’s Mother go­ing to have the op­er­a­tion any time now. I’m ner­vous…

I want the archive to feel like the Secret Life of Walter Mitty” too.

T h e F a n W a y o f L i f e
The Fan Way of Life

Spoiler Alert: Severance

This week I saw the amazing Severence Season 2, Episode 7, directed by the more than awesome Jessica Lee Gagné, and it was a true masterpiece. Perhaps the best thing that I have seen so far. For so long, Lumon reminded me of the Massive Dynamic from FRINGE. Both companies are fairly cryptic and mysterious, work on pharmaceuticals, health, technology, rule the world, and if you look at FRINGE, everything is made by Massive Dynamic, while everything is made by Lumon in Severance.

My theory got proved the minute I saw John Noble playing in Severance. And then came the episode seven. And it looked just like Massive Dynamics.

Calendar Layout for the Archive (1/5) — It renders the layout with empty places for the days that are not filled.
Calendar Layout for the Archive (2/5) — Another view of a complex calendar layout.
Calendar Layout for the Archive (3/5) — The first version of cells. They show the photograph stacked on top of each other (like the first version of iPad), books that I started to read that day, essays and other titles of the day, etc. It feels a lot like the "Secret Life of Walter Mitty" to me.
Calendar Layout for the Archive (4/5) — The funnest thing is when you hover on the cells, and the photograph stacks are shown in a grid.
Calendar Layout for the Archive (5/5) — Another photograph of the stack expansion. I'm so proud of this.
Day's Context