Zea Pou
Gregorian 2025-03-08
Khayyamian 976/12/18
Shamsi 1403/12/18

It’s funny that you wash a cup of wa­ter with wa­ter.

C l o n e s , F o r g e t t i n g , a n d D e a t h
Clones, Forgetting, and Death

There is a very old idea about teleportation that if one is to teleport from a place to another, they will die and a new person with their identical body and mind will be constructed. And then the question is: "Is this new person that old person?". What about the dead person? and so on.

My fascination with the problem now, is thinking about memory. Each night before I sleep, I say these words on repeat: "I don't want to sleep". This is how I force myself into sleep and it work every time. When I wake up the next morning, I have no recollection of what happens next.

To me, this is much like the teleportation matter. I have no idea what I had thought about during the night; it is as if I died and woke up a new person. Even if I had; does it really matter? Maybe we are like the LLMs. We have a RAG system on us as the memory and then every morning a new instance is loaded. If anything, that would be interesting.

I honestly had the worst of thoughts when it came to the matters of

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