Zea Pou
Gregorian 2025-03-09
Khayyamian 976/12/19
Shamsi 1403/12/19

Who would have thought that I can cre­ate a whole in­ter­face with Master Knuth’s types? I’m so pround of this.

Making the Archive, I have un­der­stood how slow I am in mak­ing. Maybe that is the process, maybe it’s just hard to do it by one­self, or maybe do­ing some­thing new just takes a lot of time. I don’t know.

I just learned the >” icons in side­bar tree ex­plor­ers are called Disclosure Arrows”.

I just re­mem­bered that I first had the idea of Website as a Database of Works” from Casey Reas

I should get paths of dad’s draw­ings and an­i­mate them in the web­site.

Quotes & Excerpts

I don't know what they want from it, how they can be satisfied with the petty round of grant money, publication, and prizes. Whereas I have always known, deep down. I spent endless hours in the stacks, looking hopelessly for the one book that would show me the way forward, that would unlock Dimension Zeta. I wanted things I saw only dimly - fluids that glowed, and electricity that arced and danced like a living thing. I wanted science inside of me, changing me, my body as a generator, as a reactor, a crucible. Transformation, transcendence. And so, of course, they called me mad.


We still program like it's 1960 because there are powerful path dependencies that incentivize pretending your space age computing machine is actually an 80 character tty. We are trapped in a local maximum.


Much of the pain in programming is taken for granted. After years of repetition it fades into the background and is forgotten. The first step in making programming easier is to be conscious of what makes it hard.

Day's Context