
It's going to be the new years very soon

I can't stand my parents more than four hours a week. And these days have been so hard on me. Oh, it's also a new year for which I have no excitement whatsoever.

D e s i g n , P l a t o ' s F o r m s , a n d t h e S p e c t a c l e
Design, Plato's Forms, and the Spectacle

My recent studies of mediums brought me to the places of Plato's Forms and Debord's Spectacle. I enjoyed them. Both of them are heavily dismissed and critiqued by almost everyone, but I find them somewhat true. To me there exists another dimension, another space where the ideas live. It probably has to do with the way a neural network works. But I just cannot say anything since I have no science work in there.

But then when I design, I feel things in another space. And sometimes I create things that reminds me of a moment in my past, when I look at the moment directly through the lens of a camera, it looks nothing like that moment, like that inspirations. But it feels like design = f(inspiration). It maps directly and I see how something physically maps to my world of design and always translates the same.

My words here don't make good sense, reminding me of the idea of "Maybe The Thought Should Stay In The Mind". I just don't know. But how is it that the calendar in this website feels so me when it has never existed in my life? Isn't it something captured from me in the idea's dimension? I don't know.

I r a n ' s R e v o l u t i o n a n d t h e G l o b a l R e j e c t i o n o f P r o g r e s s
Iran's Revolution and the Global Rejection of Progress

Those who have studied Iran's culture and history in the times before the revolution can see how Mohammad Reza shah wished to push cultural progress just like his father Reza shah did.

The problem with their approach was simple. It was too much, too fast, and people had such a hard time adjusting, that they actually blew up whole thing and elected crazy uneducated Mullah terrorists. Just like you put too much heat under something and burn it.

What this has to do with the rest of the world? Well, the similarity is a lot when you compare this to the current situation in the U.S. and much of the world. Too much social progress on race, gender, freedom, equality, and then you have Trump, Must, Zuckerberg, and those like them, coming to push back the world by decades. Zuckerberg dismantling all options for women and minorities, Musk and Trump doing the same at the national level, and rest of the world actually electing the nazis.

I'm somewhat concerned for what is to come.

Day's Context