
In a super toxic community, you survive by thinking that your feelings are wrong. And then you start thinking, “You just get sad why you didn't listen to yourself.”

H u m a n S o c i e t i e s M e a n s B e i n g O w n e d B y E v e r y o n e
Human Societies Means Being Owned By Everyone

For all my life, I hated humanity in the sense that there is no way to get free of them. If you think about it all human societies are based upon the idea of "others owning you" in this or that way. And there is just no way out of it.

Your family owns you by all means. They expect you to spend time with them, and to be in your life although you may think to yourself how and why should they be involved? You find yourself a partner and then it becomes their business to put their nose into.

In my country Iran, the regime actually owns you, has you in captive, forces you to be in its hierarchies, forces you into labor and danger as a soldier, and does not recognize any other authority.

Work is the same. Your boss owns you, forces you into things you don't want, and all these systems are for others to take advantage of you, dehumanizing you in the process by giving others positions of power and depriving it from you.

There is not an inch of freedom upon this planet. There is not a single centimeter that is not occupied by humans that you can be there and be free.

Fuck people.

Day's Context