The research by the remarkable plant geneticist Barbara McClintock (1902–1992),
showing that corn genes or parts of genes could change location on chromosomes
during cell division, was largely ignored. For many years the phenomenon of
“jumping genes” was mainly considered an eccentric curiosity or oddity. The
findings that some 50 percent of the human genome and as much as 80 percent of
the corn genome are composed of what are now called “transposable elements”
indicate the significance of McClintock’s research, for which she was belatedly
awarded a Nobel Prize in 1983.
The work of the English chemist and crystallographer Rosalind Franklin
(1920–1958) provided critical evidence for ferreting out the structure of DNA.
James Watson and Francis Crick essentially appropriated Franklin’s work and
originally did not even acknowledge the significance of her contribution to
“their” discovery. Crick has since died, but Watson, who as a world-famous
geneticist really should know better, has become infamous and a pariah within
the scientific community for his openly espoused racist and sexist bigotry.
Ada Lovelace is recognized by many as the world’s first computer programmer. But
Lovelace’s notes on Babbage’s analytical engine gained little attention when
they were originally published in 1843 (under her initials A.A.L.). It wasn’t
until they were republished in B.V. Bowden’s 1953 Faster Than Thought: A
Symposium on Digital Computing Machines that her work found a much wider
All six primary programmers for the first modern computer, ENIAC, were women—Kay
McNulty, Betty Jennings, Betty Snyder, Marlyn Wescoff, Fran Bilas, and Ruth
Lichterman. They are most often referred to as “computers” and “the ENIAC
Girls.” They too, received little attention at the time they worked; programming
was undervalued precisely because it was done almost entirely by women. These
women weren’t even invited to the dinner following the announcement that the
machine worked in 1946.